Life from the viewpoint of a young girl.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

1,000 Pageviews and a New Webkinz!

Hi everyone!

Over the 3 years and 2 months I have been on this blog, I have reached a total of 1,001 pageviews!!! I'd like to thank everyone that contributed to that number, followers and visitors alike. You guys are awesome! 

:) :) :)

I would also like to introduce my new Webkinz who came in a mysterious package from eBay on Saturday. She is a beautiful Signature Marble Cat. She has already found lots of friends, and she got to go up to Nana's on the weekend for our firework display and Decoration Day.
I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but I'm still trying to come up with a name. I was thinking Betsy Butterscotch Bewhiskered, and I haven't thought of anything better. That's probably what it will end up being, because if I have a good name and I can't come up with anything else, the name always sticks!
I'm not exactly sure who sent her to me, but I think it might be a certain Auntie M... ;)
If you sent her to me please comment!

Make sure to check back on or after the 13th for news on Daisy's baby!

Darling Daughter