Life from the viewpoint of a young girl.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 3/8/13 Musher of the Day: Cobbler Cox

by Midnight Bewhiskered
My Musher of the Day for March 8, 2013: Cobbler Cox with dogs Floppy and Puddles.
Cobbler joined Darling Daughter's family two Christmases ago. She recently enjoyed going on a 5-day roadtrip. She lives on top of the Bewhiskered Apartment with her friend Rocky. Her dogs, Floppy and Puddles, are brothers. Puddles is married to Purple Pup (on Car Kitty's Mother's team). Darling Daughter has owned Floppy and Puddles for a long time! Cobbler is a rookie musher, she joined because she wanted to see what competing in the Iditarod feels like and because she thought it would be fun.

Webkinz Iditarod 3/8/13 Musher of the Day: Car Kitty's Mother

by Chiporry the Cardinal
My last Musher of the Day is Car Kitty's Mother, with Purple Pup and Strawberry!
     Car Kitty's Mother adores her daughter, Car Kitty, and her next-door neighbor and friend, Bently. She lives on the bottom floor of the Bewhiskered Apartment, sometimes called the basement, with all her feline friends. She and Car Kitty were a team together in 2011. Her dogs, Purple Pup and Strawberry, are great friends. Purple Pup's full name is Perfectly Pretty Purple Poodle Puppy, and she is married to Puddles (from Cobbler's team). Strawberry was on Daddoo's team in 2011. She has competed in FashionPetz since 2011.

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Checkpoint: Spacious Stop and The End!

by Midnight Bewhiskered
I hardly know where to start! I guess I'll start at the last checkpoint, Spacious Stop.
 At about 1:30 Wednesday afternoon, Daddoo made it to the last checkpoint and settled down for a three hour rest. Just before 4:00, we could see the other mushers approaching.
They all stayed for a while (and Ella got her head bandaged up), and Daddoo was the last to leave, about 5
minutes after the others. Well, except for Car Kitty's Mother, who had to stay for a three hour rest.
Daddoo sure made it up to the front though! At 9:00 at night, we saw the mushers coming towards the big archway just before the finish...

...and in a few minutes, we had our results in:

1st - Daddoo
2nd - Sardina
3rd - Vesuvius
4th - Felicity
5th - Cobbler
6th - Sylvia
7th - Shylock
8th - Ella
9th - Car Kitty's Mother

Car Kitty's Mother reached the finish line shortly after midnight and was overjoyed to finally catch sight of her 10-year old kitten, Car Kitty, and Car Kitty's friend, Bently. We're having the Iditarod Awards Ceremony this afternoon. I'll catch up to you to share who got what later.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: The End is in Sight!

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     Well, everyone is back on the trail from the Music Lounge checkpoint and well on their way towards the next one, called Spacious Stop. Shylock used to be in the front and is now in the very back due to a harness malfunction. Dear me, I hope we will have better harnesses by the time the Iditarod comes around next year! Everyone can now see the finish, where everybody is waiting in anticipation for when the first musher crosses the line. Daddoo, three hours ahead of everyone, is at the last checkpoint for his 3-hour rest. The mushers just might make it to the finish late tonight! The awards ceremony will most likely be tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to it. The mushers not only are going to receive their ribbons and other prizes for the positions, I think there are some other awards as well, such as healthiest dogs at the end of the race.
     Poor Ella was doing so well, until she somehow capitulated over her sled and dogs, landed on the back of one of Cobbler's dogs, rolled over, came to a stop, and had at least five dogs run over her before getting up (and that with some effort). Car Kitty's Mother was just coming past at the time, so she helped her get up, attatched her to Purple Pup like she did at the beginning of the race, and went after Ella's runaway dogs. I sure hope Ella isn't too badly hurt. I think they should do a special award for the team with the least amount of malfunctions...

Webkinz Iditarod 3/6/13 Musher of the Day: Ella Cox

by Chiporry the Cardinal
My Musher of the Day for March 6, 2013: Ella Cox with her cat Zahra and dog Emma.
Ella is not a Webkinz, actually she was made by Darling Daughter years and years ago. She lives in The Basket with a lot of her Webkinz and non-Webkinz friends, like Tumbles the pink hamster and Pinto Bean the pinto horse. Zahra, married to Sneaker Beleaguered, also lives in The Basket. Emma is married to Daddoo, who was the first musher to sign up. Ella, Zahra, and Emma all competed in the January 2013 FashionPetz kickoff, but while Emma and Zahra were pros, it was Ella's first time, and, sadly, she got eliminated. Ella is a rookie musher who signed up just for fun. ;)

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Checkpoint: Music Lounge

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     Poor Midnight is still recovering from his busy work with the dogs and mushers, so I took the job of writing this report for him.
     The mushers arrived at this checkpoint around the time of 4:00, some before, some after.

There were rumors that this would be the best checkpoint, and, from what I could see, that was correct. There was lots of food for the mushers, a S'mores fire, live piano music, a special spot just for the sleds...
...and even a place for all the dogs!
Chloe and Sophia played beautiful songs on the piano, and Midnight took care of the dogs, while the mushers settled into their 8-hour rests relaxing, eating, roasting marshmallows for S'mores, and chatting about memories of the 2011 Iditarod.
It was hard for the mushers to leave after falling in love with the checkpoint, but they knew it would still be there next year. They left around midnight.
Daddoo also stopped at the checkpoint for about half an hour and is now about 3 hours ahead of everybody. They'll catch up when he takes his 3-hour rest at the last checkpoint before the finish. I can't wait to see who wins...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 3/5/13 Mushers of the Day: Shylock and Felicity Fox

by Midnight Bewhiskered
My Mushers of the Day today are Shylock and Felicity, the foxes.

Shylock and Felicity are friends, planning to get married one day, and decided to try out the Iditarod together. Fortunately, they have been doing pretty good so far. Shylock's dogs, - er...cats, - Sneaker and Zany, are brothers. Sneaker is married to Zahra, who is on Ella's team. Felicity's dog Raleigh is married to Sophia and has three children, Buddy, Bon Bon, and Giggles. The Snowy Leopard's name is currently unknown throughout Kinzville, it is one of the pets Darling Daughter's aunt left at her house. Felicity won first place in her very first FashionPetz show in January of this year. (That's how she got those lovely silver earrings.)

Webkinz Iditarod 3/5/13 Musher of the Day: Sylvia Bewhiskered

by Chiporry the Cardinal
Today's Musher of the Day: Sylvia Bewhiskered the Webkinz Silversoft Cat with dogs Choco and Clancy.
Sylvia is a beautiful silversoft cat and has competed in FashionPetz runway shows since August 2011. She won 1st place in the FashionPetz Grand Finale of 2011. She is the oldest daughter of Choco, one of her dogs, and Sardina, one of the other mushers. Her other dog, Clancy, is her sister Ashley's husband. Sylvia is also a professional ice skater and can dance quite well. She is married to Wolfric, one of the dogs on her mom Sardina's team. She is a rookie musher but loves participating in the Iditarod so far because she adores snow. She thinks it is too bad that snow only comes in one season per year. When it does come, she's all over it. :)

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Checkpoint: Easter Factory Update, Cozy Checkpoint

by Midnight Bewhiskered
Midnight Bewhiskered here with the latest updates and stories on our Iditarod checkpoints!
Late at night, just as Felicity and Vesuvius were buckling up their harnesses after their 3-hour rest at the Easter Factory, some of the other teams started to show up: Shylock's, Cobbler's (who was hosting Car Kitty's Mother), and Ella's. They didn't stay for long, though.
Early in the morning, about 3:04, Daddoo's team ended their 8-hour rest and were back on the trail.
At dawn, Sardina and Sylvia reached the Cozy Checkpoint. They decided to take 3-hour rests there.
About two hours later, the others got there. They all got some nice food while Sardina and Sylvia's teams were sound asleep.
Not long after that, everyone got back on the trail, and are well on their way to the next checkpoint, the Music Lounge, where most of the pets say they will take their 8-hour rest. Daddoo recently made it to the Cozy Checkpoint and is planning to stay for about half an hour to let the dogs rest and eat.
Everyone seems to be okay, except for Zany, who has a deep cut in his paw, apparently he stepped on something sharp on the trail. Zany's paw was well bandaged, but he is limping a bit. Even so, the team he is on is in the front.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 3/4/13 Musher of the Day: Sardina Bewhiskered

by Midnight Bewhiskered
My Musher of the Day for March 4 2013: One of my favorites, Sardina Bewhiskered, and her dogs, Buddy and Wolfric.
Sardina is the matriarch of the Bewhiskered family, married to Choco Bewhiskered (the best doctor in Kinzville), who is one of the dogs for her oldest daughter Sylvia's team. Besides Sylvia, she has four other daughters: Ashley, Sophia, Cotton Candy, and Berry. She has three granddaughters: Ashley's daughter Maddie, and Sophia's twins Bon Bon and Giggles. She also has one grandson (also from Sophia), who just happens to be Buddy, one of her sled dogs. Buddy is married to Jasmine. Her other dog, Wolfric, is married to Sylvia. (Where's the "too much information" emoticon?) :) Sardina also won 1st place in the Iditarod in 2011, and 1st place in the August 6 and 7 Gymnastics Competition. Sardina is a cat of many talents!

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Checkpoint: Easter Factory

by Midnight Bewhiskered
     Well, things are busy, busy, busy at the Easter Factory checkpoint! This is where the Easter Bunnies meet and prepare eggs to hide every year for about a month before Easter. I've been waiting here for a long time, and finally, from my high spot up on the boxes, I see the mushers appear.
     And when they do appear, it's all at one time! Felicity leads the group, then Daddoo, then Sylvia, then  Vesuvius...
     Eventually, five teams have gotten there, plus Car Kitty's Mother's dogs. Vesuvius' and Felicity's teams are staying for three hours, and Daddoo's team for eight.
 Sardina and her oldest daughter Sylvia both set their teams out after just a little rest and some food.

Peeking around the corner, I can see the other teams in the distance. Car Kitty's Mother has switched from Shylock's sled to Cobbler's. Cobbler is keeping her nice and warm.

Webkinz Iditarod 3/4/13 Musher of the Day: Vesuvius Bedazzled

by Chiporry the Cardinal
Today's Musher of the Day for March 4 2013, one of my personal favorites:
Vesuvius Bedazzled the Webkinz Lava Dragon with his dogs, Daisy and Pasqually.
Vesuvius is the patriarch of the Bedazzled family, married to Sprite, and was Darling Daughter's mom's very first Webkinz. He has one very young son named Humphrey. Sprite and Humphrey enjoy cheering Vesuvius on in the race. Like Daddoo, Vesuvius also competed in the first Iditarod in 2011. His dogs, Pasqually and Daisy, are engaged and will be married this spring. Daisy signed up for FashionPetz runway shows in January.

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: On The Trail Again!

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     So much has happened in the 2013 Webkinz Iditarod so far, and really, it's only just begun!

     Shylock left Deep Forest Lodge at 10:12 AM, his 3-hour rest complete. Shortly after, at 10:25 and 10:27, the two other teams, Ella's and Cobbler's, were on the trail. Zahra is limping a bit, so Ella's team isn't going as fast, and Cobbler is gaining some distance on her.
     As you might expect, trouble has arisen up at the front. Car Kitty's Mother had the same malfunction as did Ella earlier on in the race, in which the harness became detached and the dogs ran on without the musher. Sylvia's dogs, at one point, almost pulled her off her own sled!
     By the time Sylvia had gotten her sled fixed, the others were already ahead of her, including Car Kitty's Mother's runaway dogs, which caught Sardina's eye as she zoomed past. She pulled over to investigate.
     Sardina saw Sylvia coming and motioned to her to come look as well. They agreed to each carry one of the dogs on to the checkpoint. As for Car Kitty's Mother, she wasn't their problem, and it wouldn't be fair to go back just to get her. I decided to help. I flew back to Shylock, three hours behind everyone else, and told him about Car Kitty's Mother. He agreed to take her to the checkpoint once he found her. As for Car Kitty's Mother herself, she'll just have to wait. As she says, she's quite fed up with her dogs' harnesses. She will now be three hours behind everyone else, but she says she would rather keep going than be the only one not to finish the race.
      In terms of the others up in front, they're still neck-in-neck and getting quite close to the next checkpoint. Felicity is in the lead, then Daddoo, then Vesuvius, then Sylvia and Sardina side by side in the back. And, of course, the others back behind that took their 3-hour rests. And Car Kitty's Mother.

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Checkpoint: Deep Forest Lodge

by Midnight the Black Cat
     Hello! This is Midnight Bewhiskered reporting for the Webkinz Iditarod 2013! The mushers have flooded the first checkpoint, Deep Forest Lodge (special thanks to Andy Jarrard and Juliet Bewhiskered for running this checkpoint).
Early in the morning, we catch our first sight of the teams coming for us. Sardina’s sled has tipped over! Eventually, she gets herself back up. She is trapped between Vesuvius’ team and Felicity’s team and can’t get through! She definitely won’t be the first to reach the checkpoint. 
Vesuvius and Felicity are neck-in-neck, but Vesuvius gets there first. The mushers in the back of the line are finally getting somewhere!
Vesuvius, Shylock and Felicity sit along the sidelines and get a good meal while the others get there.
Sylvia’s and Daddoo’s teams are around at the backside of the checkpoint eating quietly. All the dogs are looking good so far. Some of the mushers are worn out!
After some eating and a bit of resting, a lot of the mushers are off already. All the mushers have to take a 3-hour and an 8-hour rest along the way, so Shylock tucks his cats in for a 3-hour rest and waves goodbye to his girlfriend, Felicity, as she decides to continue on. Cobbler’s team also takes a 3-hour rest. Ella follows their example, as she and her dogs are pretty tired from their traumatic rescue the night before. The cat on Ella’s team, Zahra, has a minor cut on the left front paw, we’re guessing from all that uncontrolled running last night, but we think it will be ok, especially with the 3-hour rest.
It’s quite fortunate that almost all of the dogs and all the mushers are looking great so far, because no doubt they will run into more obstacles and injuries along the way. I’ll catch up to you at the next checkpoint, but for now, Chiporry will give you a bird’s eye view of the race along the trail!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: Early Malfunctions!

by Chiporry the Cardinal
Chiporry the Cardinal here with a bird's eye view of the race! It's early in the race, but already, a couple of the teams have run into malfunctions...
First, Car Kitty's Mother had to pull over to fix her dogs' harnesses.
Then, Ella fell over in her sled, which became detached from the harnesses, and her dogs ( and cat) ran on without her! 
Car Kitty's Mother, on her way catching up to the other neck-in-neck mushers, saw Ella and stopped to help her. 
She attatched Ella to one of her dogs and went on, hoping to catch up with Ella's dogs. 
As they catch up with the other pets, Car Kitty's Mother assists Ella with reattaching her to her dogs and making sure she is okay to go on in the race.

Webkinz Iditarod 3/3/13 Musher of the Day: Daddoo Cox

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     Today's Musher of the Day for March 3 2013: Daddoo Arff Cox.
     Daddoo was Darling Daughter's first plush animal, which is pretty special considering the multitudes of pets she now owns! :) He is married to Emma, one of the dogs on Ella's team. He was a musher in the 1st Iditarod in 2011. His dogs are Holly Terrier and Tommy, who both came to live here quite recently. Holly joined FashionPetz and competed in the runway kickoff on January 13.

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: And They're Off!

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     Hi everyone! This is Chiporry the Cardinal reporting on the biggest race of the season, the 2nd Annual Webkinz Iditarod 2013! This year, we will have nine different teams:
Daddoo (musher) with Holly Terrier and Tommy (dogs),
Vesuvius with Pasqually and Daisy,
Sardina with Buddy and Wolfric,

Shylock with Sneaker and Zany,
Felicity with Raleigh and Snowy Leopard,
Sylvia with Choco and Clancy,
Cobbler with Floppy and Puddles,
Ella with Emma and Zahra, and
Car Kitty's Mother with Strawberry and Perfectly Pretty Purple Poodle Puppy (who from now on will be called Purple Pup).
We staggered the starts, letting the teams out three at a time every thirty seconds, but the approximate starting time was 6:50 PM. I can't wait to see how this race turns out!!