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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Webkinz Iditarod 2013: The End is in Sight!

by Chiporry the Cardinal
     Well, everyone is back on the trail from the Music Lounge checkpoint and well on their way towards the next one, called Spacious Stop. Shylock used to be in the front and is now in the very back due to a harness malfunction. Dear me, I hope we will have better harnesses by the time the Iditarod comes around next year! Everyone can now see the finish, where everybody is waiting in anticipation for when the first musher crosses the line. Daddoo, three hours ahead of everyone, is at the last checkpoint for his 3-hour rest. The mushers just might make it to the finish late tonight! The awards ceremony will most likely be tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to it. The mushers not only are going to receive their ribbons and other prizes for the positions, I think there are some other awards as well, such as healthiest dogs at the end of the race.
     Poor Ella was doing so well, until she somehow capitulated over her sled and dogs, landed on the back of one of Cobbler's dogs, rolled over, came to a stop, and had at least five dogs run over her before getting up (and that with some effort). Car Kitty's Mother was just coming past at the time, so she helped her get up, attatched her to Purple Pup like she did at the beginning of the race, and went after Ella's runaway dogs. I sure hope Ella isn't too badly hurt. I think they should do a special award for the team with the least amount of malfunctions...

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