Life from the viewpoint of a young girl.

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Song of the Week 10/16/16

     I chose this song, "Blessings" by Laura Story, because a woman did a cover of it this morning at church and it's been stuck in my head all day because I've been working on this blog so much that I haven't listened to anything else. The lyrics are very reassuring and have a level of insight that most Christian songs don't achieve. I found this lyric video so you can see what I mean, but there's almost no need because Laura sings the words so clearly that you can easily understand them.
     The instrumental part takes a minimalist approach with only the piano creating a simple melody and giving most of the spotlight to the deepness of the vocal, while between the verses and at the beginning and end it appears for a short time to echo the melody. You can also hear the complexity of the piano which gets louder at the very end of the bridge to perfectly accompany the soaring voice of the singer. I love the extension of the last chorus as well. This isn't like most Christian songs on the radio, whose pop sound gets monotonous after a while. This one stands out a lot because of its uniqueness and it's one I still love.

     I finally figured out how to use the coding to make the embedding smaller. *sigh of relief* It was going to drive me insane having every video stick out twenty feet on the right and cover up my beautiful new tag cloud.

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