You might be the person thinking, 'I could never vote for Trump'. You may think that you could never allow yourself to support someone who looks so immoral on the outside. But this is exactly what the Democrats want you to focus on through anti-Trump ads. The problem with thinking this way is that this election is not about the candidates, it's about the issues. If anything, it's about the Supreme Court. Several issues addressing religious freedom are on the line here, and Clinton will elect Supreme Court justices who will make the already existing oppression of Christians many times worse. Homosexuality and transgenderism are already being pushed in many places, and it's only a matter of time before the government tries to control the way our churches act against these issues. You have the chance to stand up against that!
On top of that, take abortion, for example. This couldn't be more clear; Trump has said abortion is not acceptable, whereas Clinton voted against bans on abortion. Abortion is murder and there's no way around that. You can't tell me that the life of a human being inside the womb is any less valuable than it is after birth. Women who have abortions are cruelly taking advantage of the helplessness of their baby because they won't take responsibility for their own careless actions. Think about how terrible that is.
Now think about the fact that you have the chance to change it. While your vote may be small, it matters. And I believe that it is every Christian's moral duty to vote. Even if you don't support Trump as a person, at least vote for the sake of his agenda. Every vote for Trump is a vote against Clinton's shockingly immoral support of abortion and homosexuality and her threatening stance against religious freedom. Think about what's really at stake here, then think about the fact that, if nothing else, you still have a voice as an American citizen. That's a beautiful thing. Please use it.
And if you're still too lazy to vote, please don't be the person complaining when Clinton gets elected.
"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." -James 4:17 ESV
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